Tube and Worm FAQs
How do I setup a Tube and Worm Rig?
On the end of your main line, add a swivel and a 36 inch leader line (e.g., fluorocarbon). Tie the end of your leader line to the tube. Typically 30 -50 pound line test is used.
Weighted vs. Non-Weighted?
For shallow water trolling, a non-weighted tube is typically used. For deeper waters, add on egg sinker, keel weight or use a bullet head tube and worm to get down deep.
Jigging a bullet head tube and worm and creating an erratic action also can entice fish strikes.
What Color Should I use?
The most common color pattern used is for a traditional tube and worm is translucent red. For bullet and seawitch patterns, a white head with a red tube are the most popular.
When fishing in murky waters, a brighter color increases the lure visibility.
When in doubt, mix up the color pattern and stick with the color that seems to have the best success for that day. You can also try to match the bait color.
What Size Tube Should I use?
Bigger lure doesn’t always mean bigger fish. Similar to color patterns, mix it up (12 / 18 /24 inch options).
What Type of Tube and Worm should I use?
Flexible traditional tubes are the most common pattern fished. Allow for free movement in the water.
Bullet heads tube are used typically when fishing deeper waters. The seawitch pattern adds more action to the lure, in addition to being weighted.
The mold-able tube allows you to create a tuned pattern to get the desired movement through the water.
What speed to troll a Tube and Worm?
Slow trolling speeds tend to work better. Troll at 2 to 3 mph
What type of bait should be added to a Tube and Worm hook?
Sandworms, bloodworms, eel, squid strips, worms. Artificial or chuck baits may also be added.
What type of fish will strike a tube and worm besides Striped Bass?
Most gamefish have been reported being caught on a tube and worm rig. Including, but not limited to, Striped and Sea Bass, Bluefish, Blackfish, Fluke, Scup, Sand Shark, Alibies